Not all disabilities are obvious. Some are hidden, such as learning difficulties, mental health or difficulties with mobility, speech, eyesight and hearing.
They can also include asthma, COPD, and other lung conditions, as well as kidney failure, diabetes and sleep disorders that can affect day-to-day life.
Living with a hidden disability can make daily life more difficult and it can be hard for others to notice or understand the challenges you face.
Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower discreetly shows to people around you – including staff, colleagues and health professionals – that you may need extra support and help or a little more time.

How to get a lanyard
If you’re due to fly from a major UK airport, you should be able to ask for a lanyard from an airport help desk, or order it in advance. Contact the airport before you travel to find out more.
They can also be bought online from the official website for under £1, or are available free from Morrisons, Sainsbury’s Marks and Spencer and Tesco. Check in your local store to see if they have any in stock.
This scheme is supported by RNIB and other charities including the Alzheimer’s Society, The National Autistic Society and Action on Hearing Loss.